#61 Sarah Poet on the sacred masculine-feminine synergy and going beyond the gender binary
“Masculine and feminine are words, concepts and tools toward what I call unification, toward more togetherness, more connection, where we stop creating such a binary with our limited definitions of man and woman, and stop equating masculine with men and feminine with women. ”
In what ways can conceptualising the masculine and feminine as foundational archetypes for cultures and life help us to outgrow power-over binary systems and move towards cultures of unity and connection once again? How can the sacred act of remembering the divine feminine and masculine tend to cultural, religious and generational traumas, inflicted by systems of domination, and re-activate the energy balance of the planet?
Today we are joined by Sarah Poet, a truth seeker, thought leader, former school creator turned feminine/masculine integration expert, and, as it turns out, a medicine woman for modern times. It is Sarah’s mission to serve the true evolution of human consciousness, to integrate feminine & masculine on all levels, and to bridge us collectively from separation to connection, unity & wholeness. Sarah helps couples, individuals, and organisations heal the separation traumas inflicted by patriarchal culture and come into deeper connection via integrity, embodied intimacy, resiliency, authenticity, & love.
Sarah will go with you to the depths, responding exactly to your unique path or query, to uncover your deepest and most empowering truths. Watch her TEDx and schedule private work with her at www.sarahpoet.com.
What will be covered:
Sarah’s journey on the path of inner ‘remembering’ and into the energy healing space
How the masculine and feminine archetypes are creative forces in, and therefore foundational to, our lives
Recovering and reclaiming both the feminine and masculine for all gender identities
Reviving our relationship with the divine feminine and masculine to heal traumas with the divine caused by patriarchy e.g. common religious beliefs of God being a man and there being no space for the divine feminine
Visualisation of the masculine and feminine as a spectrum, inviting for more fluidity and complexity to the being
Masculine and feminine as concepts and tools for unification and connection, and to break down binary modes of thinking e.g. gender binary
Reintegrating the feminine (e.g. intuition, creativity, fluidity, body) into our everyday spaces - with an example of reintegration into the typically male-dominated work space
Urgency in resurrecting the sacred masculine, particularly as a lot of work has gone into reviving the sacred feminine
Unfair in women to expect men to be the embodiment of the sacred masculine when they haven’t been given the space to reconnect with the sacred masculine or feminine
Humans as far too complex to be reduced to perfectly fitting the masculine and feminine archetypes
Calling for women to remember the sacred masculine, in tandem to the sacred feminine, within themselves to hold a template which activates the planet and opens doors for others to hold the same, rather than depleting our energy to be ‘healers’ for others on their journeys
Sarah’s resources:
Sarah’s website
Sarah’s modern woman’s guide to reunification of the masculine and feminine - use code REMEMBERINGNOW to be gifted this book
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